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Don't Miss Blackview BL9000 Pro with 30%Off
The Best Thermal Imaging Phone in Collaboration with FLIR®

Hi friends,

Recently, Blackview partnered with leading thermal imaging device manufacturer Flir® to launch the best thermal imaging phone ever, BL9000 Pro, which represents a comprehensive upgrade over the previous BL8800 Pro two years ago. Compared to its predecessor, BL9000 Pro integrates FLIR's best thermal module, FLIR® Lepton® 3.5  in its thermal hardware, offering the highest thermal resolution(160*120) and the widest thermal FOV (57°), and features the best MyFLIR® Pro app in its thermal software with more professional features and more practical tools.

Not surprisingly, thermal imaging is one of the biggest areas of focus between the two.

Thermal Imaging Blackview BL8800 Pro Blackview BL9000 Pro
1. Hardware Thermal Module FLIR® Lepton 2.5 FLIR® Lepton 3.5
2. Software Thermal App MyFLIR® MyFLIR® Pro
3. Teledyne FLIR Mobile SDK No Yes

1. Thermal Hardware: (The Highest Thermal Resolution+The Widest Thermal FOV)
The World's Best Thermal Imaging Camera Module-FLIR® Lepton® 3.5

Compared to the BL8800 Pro’s FLIR® Lepton® 2.5, the BL9000 Pro features FLIR's best thermal imaging camera module, the FLIR® Lepton® 3.5. A major difference between the two is thermal imaging resolution. The FLIR® Lepton 2.5 in the BL8800 Pro has a resolution of only 80x60 pixels, whereas the FLIR® Lepton 3.5 in the BL9000 Pro offers a thermal imaging resolution that is 4 times higher, at 160x120 pixels, making it the highest thermal resolution available. Another distinction lies in the Field of View. The FLIR® Lepton 2.5 in the BL8800 Pro offers a 50° horizontal FOV, whereas the FLIR® Lepton 3.5 in the BL9000 Pro extends up to 57°, making more contents captured within the same frame.

2. Thermal Software: (More Professional Features+More Practical Tools)
FLIR's Exclusive Global Professional Thermal Imaging Software - MyFLIR® Pro App

On the software side, the upgrades from the MyFLIR app on the BL8800 Pro to the MyFLIR Pro app on the BL9000 Pro focus on significant enhancements in features and tools. As far as measurement features are concerned, the MyFLIR Pro app on BL9000 Pro not only allows users to adjust MSX* strength for higher clarity but also allows users to adjust blending levels of visible/thermal images for optimal viewing as required. Moreover, the BL9000 Pro also integrates the new VividIR™ into the MyFLIR Pro app for sharper infrared imaging. Moving on to measurement tools, the BL8800 Pro offers only basic point and square measurement tools with limited usage scenarios; while the BL9000 Pro improves upon this with five spot meters and more tools for lines, squares, and circles with max/min flags.  What’s more, these tools can be freely adjustable and removable for more user scenarios. What makes it even more impressive is the inclusion of a new temperature alert feature in BL9000 Pro, which notifies users when preset temperature thresholds in isotherm are exceeded or fall below. Plus, this feature also generates a report for further analysis.

3. 40+ Apps Approved With Integrated Thermal Imaging Capabilities
Enterprise-grade Teledyne FLIR Mobile SDK (Software Development Kit) Support

For BL9000 Pro, FLIR® has announced that over 40 mobile applications have been approved to add thermal imaging capabilities. If you can't find an app that suits your needs, you can apply to become a developer to create a brand-new application or add thermal imaging functionality to your existing app.

Which one should you get, then?

As you can see from the comparison we did, the results are clear. The BL9000 Pro outperforms the BL8800 Pro in almost every metric. If you want the best thermal imaging rugged phone, you should go for the BL9000 Pro.

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