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The Wuhan Youyi International Home Furnishing Designer Night activity held on July 2019, which has become a great event in Wuhan as well as the central China region.
As an unprecedented design event at Wuhan, over 200 top designers together with famous imported furniture brands joined this activity. The brands are from Italy, Germany, America, Norway and some other Europe nations which are covered by tiles, sanctions, sanitary, kitchen ware, and home furnishing categories. The participants widely discussed fashion trend of the future home design, exchanged views and ideas. All these moves fostered further development of home design area at Wuhan and marked a new era of east meets west design philosophy.

當晚,作為武漢友誼國際進口家居節Designer之夜活動四大主辦主辦品牌之一的G.e.t. Casa,作為業內資深的義大利瓷磚進口商,攜手合作已經超過20年的頂級義大利瓷磚廠商,以別開生面的形式,參與了此次活動。
As one of the organizers of this activity, G.e.t. Casa together with top brands at the tile industry to make this event happen.
G.e.t  Casa武漢地區加盟商總經理金福林、加盟拓展部合夥人陳國維親臨活動現場,與各設計師精英互動。而作為與G.e.t. Casa合作超過20年的戰略合作品牌,義大利Iris陶瓷亞太區經理Riccardo Boaretto、Ceramica SANT’AGOSTINO中國區代表Jovi Wu受邀擔任本次活動的剪綵嘉賓出席了本次活動,並與各位設計師深入交流,探討家居設計的未來發展方向,共同推動把來自義大利的優秀瓷磚產品與東方設計完美融合。
G.e.t. Casa作為眾多義大利頂級瓷磚廠商在中國的戰略合作夥伴,多年來一直保持著深厚的合作關係,把眾多知名廠商的優質瓷磚產品引進到中國市場。所以各大義大利頂級瓷磚集團與廠商代表,都對此次活動鼎力支持,為本次活動的完滿成功,以及對武漢G.e.t. Casa開業以來取得的成果表示祝賀。

Mr. Jin Fu Lin, general manager of G.e.t. Casa Wuhan region, Mr. Chen Guo Wei, partner of G.e.t. Casa Franchise Department, participated in this event and made communication with the Wuhan designers. Mr.Riccardo Boartto, Asia-Pacific regional manager of Iris, and Ms. Jovi Wu, representative of Ceramica SANT’AGOSTINO China region took part in this event. 
As the strategic partner in China region, G.e.t. Casa has a profound cooperative relationship with many high end tile brands. G.e.t. introduces their premium tile product to the China market. Therefore at this activity, many top tile brands gave their strong support to the event as well as their congratulations to G.e.t. Casa Wuhan showroom.
▲ G.e.t. Casa 加盟拓展部合夥人陳國維先生
Mr. Chen Guo Wei, partner of G.e.t. Casa Franchise Department
▲ Ceramica SANT’AGOSTINO中國區代表Jovi Wu
Ms. Jovi Wu, representative of Ceramica SANT’AGOSTINO China region
▲ 義大利Iris陶瓷亞太區經理Riccardo Boaretto
Mr.Riccardo Boartto, Asia-Pacific regional manager of Iris

本次設計師活動,在輕鬆愉快的氣氛中降下了帷幕,但同時也是一個新的開始。G.e.t. Casa作為業界知名的義大利進口瓷磚綜合銷售平臺,一直致力於宣導“時尚生活,時尚品味”的高品質家居生活理念,以及傳播最前沿的家居文化。未來G.e.t. Casa將繼續致力於深耕中國建材市場,與全國各地的頂尖設計師展開合作與對話,為頂級設計師們帶來最優質的瓷磚產品與靈感,呈現出各位設計大師最佳的作品效果,同時為客戶帶來時尚與優質的生活體驗。

The complete of this event marks a brand new start to the tile industry. G.e.t. Casa works very hard to achieve the premium living philosophy of “beyond living, beyond lifestyle”. G.e.t. will step up and bring front end home decoration culture to the China building material market, cooperate with top designers around the nation and bring them fresh ideas for their masterpiece. All these would give our clients a unique living experience.

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成立於1998年,G.e.t. Casa現時已是進口瓷磚及木地板行業中的領先成員之一。秉承著「時尚生活·時尚品味」的宗旨,我們一直致力為客戶蒐羅意大利時尚和高質的瓷磚和優質歐洲原裝木地板產品。我們獲得由綜合商業媒體CORPHUB頒發的「大中華年度最具信譽建築裝飾材料供應商」、「香港最優秀企業大獎」,由香港社會服務聯會頒發的「商界展關懷」標誌,由香港亞洲品牌發展協會頒發的「香港最受歡迎品牌」等多個獎項和榮譽,以表彰G.e.t. Casa在建築裝飾材料行業及社會中的出色成就和貢獻。

Established in 1998, G.e.t. Casa is one of the leading members in the industry of imported tile and wood flooring. Adhering to “Beyond Living, Beyond Lifestyle”, we are committed to searching Italian-made, fashionable and high quality tiles and European wood flooring products for our customers. We are awarded the " Greater China's Most Reputed Building Decorative Materials Distributor " and the "Hong Kong’s Most Outstanding Business Awards" by CORPHUB, the "Caring Company" issued by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, the "Hong Kong Famous Brands" and others awards and honors, to recognize the outstanding achievements and contributions of Get Casa in the industry and society.

Hong Kong . Shenzhen . Guangzhou .Shanghai . Beijing. Chengdu . Chongqing . Changsha . Wuhan . Changzhou . Yinchuan . Tianjin . Jiaxing . Kunming . nanchang . Taizhou . Nanning . Fuzhou. Shaoxing . Shijiazhuang . dongguan
Dalian . Guiyang . Xiamen  . Cixi . Xuzhou . 

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嘉興 |昆明 | 南昌 | 台州 | 南寧 | 福州 | 紹興 | 石家莊 | 大連 | 貴陽 | 廈門 |
 慈溪 |徐州 | 東莞

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