Bizbee wish you have a harvest 2020:)
hi friend ,this is Dona from Bizbee
Recently,we will start our longest holiday named Spring Festvial,and all the products stop supply
then what we can do when your China supplier on holiday?here are my suggestion
1.Check out all the RMA goods and ship back
Bizbee iphone lcd are lifetime warranty ,make sure it has bizbee label and sticker and packed well
ship to our hk warehouse,and bizbee Compensation rate can be as higher as 100% if quality issue
2.looking for a new supplier
Do you got a lot of complain for bad lcds ?not satisfied with the RMA rate?why not try Bizbee?
5 reason help you to know about Bizbee:
1.10 year history in phone repair field,3 senior engineer with more than 5 years in phone repair field experience,
20 QC staffs came from Foxxcon
and nearly 50 sales
2.Lifetime warranty for lcds and 1 year warranty for accessores,parts and tools
3. more than 30000pcs lcds and more than 2000pcs batteies stocks in warehouse
4.Bizbee eshop can order directly and ECS system help deal with order without paper work
5.Mult- payment with paypal and local bank with GBP,USD,JPY,AUD

want to know more about Bizbee give me a reply or add my whatsapp:+8617603073227 for more details