This is Dona from
Bizbee,how is your business these days?
After checking the faulty report of Bizbee from 2017 till now,7g touch issue is the most problem that we got feedback,but do you know why it is 7g not other models?
Let us have a look,Everyone know that original lcds has a better quality ,not only in brightness but also in touch function.
Original lcdのほとんどはセル内構造ですが、セル内ディスプレイはデジタイザを組み合わせ、タッチ入力を使用し、LCDスクリーンを単層ディスプレイに統合するという意味で革命的です。
Most of Original lcd is in-cell stucture,In-cell displays are revolutionary in the sense that they combine a digitizer, use touch input, and integrate an LCD screen into a single-layer display.
so the key point is :
1.if Front glass broken,the screen is still available to touch and display.
2.Ok to refurbish if front glass broken(as front glass is just simply protection function).
3.Incell LCDは統合された配線です、それはLCDの接触問題を減らします。
3.Incell lcd is integrated wiring,that will reduce the touch issue of lcd .
but why 7g has more touch issue ?
例を挙げてみましょう。通常の高コピー7g lcdの結合面積が最も小さいので、右のものは通常lcd、左のものはNCC In-cell lcdです。
Let me make an example,The right one is normal lcd,and the left one is NCC In-cell lcd,as the normal high copy 7g lcd has the smallest bonding area,that will due to more faulty rate of 7g high copy lcds

しかし今、BizbeeはNCC - Incell Lcdsがオリジナル品質を破ることができる
But Now ,Bizbee has NCC-Incell Lcds can beat Original quality
1.Raw元の材料:元の鋭いLCD +元の屈曲のcabe +元のフレーム
Raw Original Material: Original Sharp LCD + Orginal Flex cabe+ Original frame
2.3D In-cell Touch Technology:Same Structure as original.30% More sensitive and stable touch proformance,and touch still work even front glass broken
3.With original brightness and Original color
4.TDDI IC技術:統合されたドライバコントローラIC(IDC)LCDセル+タッチセンサー+ 3Dタッチセンサー。
TDDI IC Technology: Intergrated Driver Controller IC (IDC) the LCD cell+Touch Sensor+3D touch sensor as a integration.

5.Better Performance with Incell Technology
6. More excellent in Detail:
オリジナルのブルーリング+ロゴフリーのフレックスケーブル。 すべてのフレックスケーブルは元のパターンと同じです。
Original blue ring + Logo-free flex cable. All the flex cables have the same pattern as original.
7. 本当の調子機能のThe唯一そして最も新しいIncell lcds
7.The only and newest Incell lcds with true tone function
Only 18.6usd including shippment cost for 7g(MOQ:50pcs) ,do you wanna a try?
We support 流通王 and 佐川急便 shippment also
Give me a
reply for our payment today to get the newest NCC Incell that can help you save 40% cost of original lcds
Everytime you are 1 step advance than your competitor,few month later,you will be the king!