传安邦欲70亿美金收购洲际酒店集团 |
8月7日,英国市场传出消息指,中国安邦保险正考虑以70亿美金的价格收购在英国上市的洲际酒店集团,一旦成事,这将成为近两年来中资机构在英国最大的并购交易之一。 |
晨星:女性基金经理会为股债基带来更多资金 |
2016-08-04 |
晨星最近发表定量研究报告《The Rise and Fall of New Funds》,指出一只基金的成败条件。其中晨星发现,女性基金经理会为股票和固定收益基金带来更高的资金流入,但股债混合基金则未必。 |
普华永道亚太新增58位合伙人 |
2016-08-04 |
8月3日,普华永道宣布在亚太区(中国内地、香港、台湾及新加坡)擢升58名员工为合伙人,自此其全球合伙人的数目增加至近800人。 |
更多信息>> |
Sales Director, Asset Management |
2016-08-01 |
A well established and reputable financial group now is looking for high quality candidate to take up the sales director position based in Hong Kong. (Ref No.: CO-2626)
Senior Channel Manager, Asset Management |
2016-08-01 |
An international asset management house is looking for a professional channel manager to join their HK team. (Ref No.: CO-2627)
Head of Compliance |
2016-08-08 |
Our client is a financial group with reputable brand globally. Now they are looking for a Head of Compliance to lead its Hong Kong compliance team. (Ref No.: CO-2628) |